Relationships Australia NSW

Level 1, 63B Market Street Wollongong, NSW, 2500 Australia
63B Market Street Wollongong New South Wales 2500 AU

We are an independent, not-for-profit organisation, dedicated to enhancing relationships within families and their communities in order to foster personal and social wellbeing. We have centres located all around NSW that offer a range of different support options. Relationships Australia (NSW) Limited is a company limited by guarantee, a registered charity and is governed by a Board elected from our membership.

We are committed to building our support for all families and individuals, including those who are in greatest need, facing complex issues and have limited access to resources and services. If you want more information on our services you can find that here.

We believe we are stronger together, which is why we value our partnerships in the community and with other organisations. We aim to work collaboratively with other organisations to develop the best services appropriate to meet the needs of our clients and communities. We are responsive to community needs, value diversity and work with groups in metropolitan, rural and regional locations.

Our vision, ‘Strong Relationships, Strong Communities’