An emergency shelter is a place for people to live temporarily when they cannot live in their previous residence, similar to homeless shelters. Emergency shelters typically specialize in people fleeing a specific type of situation, such as natural or man-made disasters, domestic violence, or victims of sexual abuse. Emergency shelters sometimes facilitate support groups and may provide meals.
Emergency Shelters Domestic Violence Women's Shelters Counseling Legal Assistance Physical Health Education Employment Mental Health Substance Abuse Meals
(02) 4229-8523(02) 4229-8523
Vision A world where all people live safely, independently and free from abuse. Our Purpose SAHSS...
Youth Shelters Education Employment Day Shelters Clothing Rent Assistance Utility Assistance Transportation Meals Counseling Physical Health Mental Health Childcare Emergency Shelters
SYFS is an organisation that has the main purpose of supporting and caring for vulnerable, disadv...
Physical Health Clothing Meals Emergency Shelters Mental Health Rent Assistance Education Employment
We save lives and support people before and after disasters strike. We work to alleviate sufferin...
As Australia’s leading disability service provider, House with No Steps is dedicated to helping p...